As we start the new year, I wanted to take some time to challenge you on your goal setting process. It's at this time of the year that most of us like to reflect on ourselves and how we can change, but often it's very self driven. At B3rd we are always trying to put things in proper order so below is a practical way to set some goals for the new year.
How can I put God first more in my life this year? This should be the question we are constantly asking ourselves each and every day but what is one practical step you could make starting tomorrow to make this a reality this year? Simple suggestion could be pray first thing in the morning. From there decide what is keeping you from loving God above all things and move it down the list. You don't necessarily have to remove it completely, unless it's sin, but you can't value anything above God himself.
Who in your life can you serve better this year and how? (Spouse, kids, friends, teammates) God created each of us to love and serve those around us. This is a primary function of putting him first. This year, how could you serve better? For me, I ask my wife each year to challenge me in a practical way. One year her answer was, "No more phones and technology at the dinner table. Let's be more present when we are together as a family." I loved this, and it had a major impact on me being more present with my kids at night. While this is very simple, it is doable and super beneficial.
What is something you need to change in your life to benefit you? In B3rd style we always put ourself last and this alone could be what you change this year. When you find yourself making decisions in the new year, always ask, "Am I being 3rd?" This is not to say you can't do things that benefit you, but we should always use the virtues of prudence and charity to help us perfect the WHY in what we do.
I pray that this New Year is amazing for you and your family. No matter what your role is at this moment in your life, push yourself to get up each day and love God and serve others. If we do this we can impact change starting with our homes, athletic communities, and the greater world.
Coach Field